Sinergi Inti Solusi


Our Services


Understanding the concept of Treasury management is important for bank business staff, especially for Treasury staff and support units. Through a clear understanding, every business unit can understand a broader frame of mind than simply oriented to its own business unit. And support the bank’s business by bank wide, among others through the marketing of Treasury products which is a source of fee-based income. And avoid business risk, including liquidity risk, interest rate risk, forex risk and other related risks.

Trade Finance

Trade Finance solution enables banks to offer high-added value services dedicated to client’s import/export business. The solution securely and automatically manages trade and transactions in order to guarantee optimum productivity and reliability. In addition, it provides a full and detailed overview of customer activity.



Sinergi Inti Solusi adalah salah satu dari penyedia solusi perangkat lunak nasional, yang memberikan solusi bisnis dan berteknologi tinggi berbasis layanan untuk para pelanggan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dan memiliki model pengembangan on-site dan off-site. Perusahaan telah merancang, mengembangkan dan menyebarkan banyak solusi bagi perusahaan berkelas dibidang perbankan dan keuangan dengan menggunakan teknologi terkini dan kerangka kerja yang terstruktur.
Sinergi Inti Solusi memiliki tim yang kuat dengan ukuran pelaksanaan proyek besar dan mengerahkan seluruh kemampuannya untuk memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas tinggi kepada pelanggan. Salah satu kunci keberhasilan kami adalah adaptasi kami terhadap berbagai macam dan aneka kebutuhan akan sistem informasi komputer sehingga menghasilkan manajemen berkualitas. Manajemen Proyek, kebutuhan Infrastruktur, dan lainnya dengan sempurna untuk memberikan kepuasan kepada para pelanggan kami. Perangkat lunak profesional kami bekerja menggunakan teknologi terbaru dari Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, dan lain-lain. Memegang portfolio yang terdiri dari produk, proyek dan layanan konsultasi, kami membuat produk inovatif dan menawarkan solusi terkini untuk permintaan pasar yang dinamis dan lingkungan digital yang dinamis.

Sinergi Inti Solusi is one of the nationwide software solution providers, delivering business and service-based high-tech solutions to customers spread across Indonesia and having on-site and off-site development models. The company has designed, developed and deployed many solutions for banking and finance companies using the latest technology and structured frameworks.
Sinergi Inti Solusi has a strong team with large project implementation measures and exerts all its capabilities to deliver high quality service to its customers. One of the keys to our success is our adaptation to the diverse and diverse needs of computer information systems resulting in quality management, Project Management, Infrastructure needs and others perfectly to provide satisfaction to our customers. Our professional software works using the latest technology from Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, and others.
Holding a portfolio of products, projects and consulting services, we create innovative products and offer cutting-edge solutions for dynamic market demand and dynamic digital environments.

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